G:DR’s Micro Adventures!
We, the people, request of you in a Micro Adventure.
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Cable: "Hi, I'm Cable. You might remember me from such comics as 'X-Force', 'Cable' and 'Cable & Deadpool'."

Nate Grey: "And Soldier-X, right?"

Cable: "...I hope not."

Chamber: "Don't worry, nobody read that."

Nate Grey: "Not even your mom."

Cable: "Don't you dare go there again!"

Chamber: "Aaaaanyway...."

Cable: "Yeah, we're all here today to ask if anyone can scan us the full fold-out cover for Wolverine/Ghost Rider/Punisher: The Dark Design, so the Wolverine One-Shots Cover Contest can finally get itself over with."

Nate Grey: "So then it can finally be our turn."

Chamber: "And we're all sick of Logan getting all the cover-contests to himself."

Wolverine: "Someone mention my name, eh? Bub?"

Cable: "Did you really need all those one-shots and miniseries?"

Wolverine: "Every single one was a classic, bub."

Chamber: "Selfish, that's what it is."

Nate Grey: "I only ever got one one-shot before they killed me."

Wolverine: "Killed you? So why are you here, bub?"

Cable: "....uh....aliens brought him back so readers could see us team up again."

Nate Grey: "You mean me and your mom..."

Gambit: "You gon' go to H*ll, kid. An' Gambit, he can't have his cover contest until after all of you, I gar-on-tee."

Havok: "So when do we get to my series?"

Chamber: "Hey, Havok. We were just talking about people who've slept with Cable's mother."

Cable: "Urge...to...kill...rising. Crave...huge...guns..."

Havok: "I spent years paying my dues to headline Mutant-X, when do I get my own cover-contest?"

Cable: "Don't make me come down there."

Wolverine: "Hey kids, one of you scan that Dark Design cover, or my reign of terror never ends!"

Click Next to see the cover that won as the tyrrany ended

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The above is a parody. All characters ™ © Marvel Comics.
All micros property of their respective designers - if you want to be credited, e-mail microadv (at-sign) graffiti.net.