G:DR’s Micro Adventures!
When Evil-Havok Attacks! It's a Micro Adventure!
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*Previously, in A Micro Adventure*

Magneto: "Can you idiots get this over with? We've got to get ready for The House of M."

Havok: "House of what?"

Magneto: "House of M. It's this year's..."

Cyclops: "No! Don't say that word!"

Magneto: "...crossover."

Cyclops: "No! Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Havok: "Crossover? At last! It's Evil-Havok-o'clock!"

Cyclops: "Aw, crap."


Cyclops: "....he's going to be like this for months now."


----And Now:----

Havok: "Rrraaagh! I'll kill you, Cyclops!"

Nurse Annie: "So, he really gets like this every time there's a crossover?"

Cyclops: "Yes, every time. Ever since Inferno, when he became the evil-sex-slave of my crazy/evil first wife. Who was actually a clone of my second wife."

Nurse Annie: "......can you start explaining that again? With notes?"

Cyclops: "No."

Carter: "He has to exposit quickly, mom. Evil-Havok could attack at any moment."

Havok: "Rrrraagh! Evil! Because I wanna be!"

*Evil Havok... ... zaps Iceman*

Iceman: "Ow!"

A Sidri: "Havok is an adulterous buffoon."

Havok: "Hey, who are you going to believe, me, or this Sidri?"

A Sidri: "Just ask Polaris, you cheat on her every time one of you goes evil."

Polaris: "It may be true, but did you have to word it like that?"

A Sidri: "Sometimes the truth is funniest."

Cyclops: "Anyway, as I was saying, the history of Evil-Havok-for-Crossovers goes all the way back to...."



Inferno Evil Havok: "I'll kill you, Cyclops!"

Goblin Queen: "And then I'll kill you, Cyclops! But first, I'll sacrifice our baby to some demons!"


Cable: ".......I really *&@#^% hate her..."

Cyclops: "That's no way to talk about your mother, Nathan. Even if she did allow me to think she was dead for months, while she was off screwing my sometimes-evil brother."

Havok: "And yet everyone thinks you're the bad guy there. Ha!"

Cyclops: "My life is so unfair.

Polaris: "Then, Havok went evil again, when the Genoshans brainwashed him..."



Magistrate Havok: "I'll kill you Cyclops! And Storm, too! For Genosha!"

Storm: "What did I ever do to you?"

Magistrate Havok: "Every time you say 'By the Goddess', you're talking about the Infinity Crusade villain, right?"

Storm: ".....yes."

Magistrate Havok: "That's why I'll kill you, Storm!"

Magistrate Havok: "Kill you for Genosha! Oh, Genosha, my home and racist land..."

Storm: "By the Goddess, no! Stop singing and I will surrender."


Nurse Annie: "Wow. And nobody thought to warn me about this?"

Cyclops: "We all kind of hoped he was over it by now."

Polaris: "But the next time he went nuts was the worst time, because he'd been raised by Sinister..."



AoA Havok: "Rrraaagh! I'll kill you, Cyclops!"

AoA Cyclops: "Your powers can't affect me, idiot."

AoA Havok: "That's what you think..."

AoA Cyclops: "What? You can't kill me like that! .....the H*ll is this?"


Cyclops: "And that may be the saddest reality of all, for in that world, I died."

Nurse Annie: "....yeahwhatever."

Polaris: "And after that, he started hanging out with Onslaught and Dark Beast, and he got even worse...."



Onslaught Havok: "Rrrraaagh! I'll kill you, Cyclops Polaris!"


Polaris: "He actually hit me with his plasma blasts!"

Cyclops: "And yet you still obsessed over him for years, rather than getting a clue and just dating someone less likely to go nuts whenever superheroes meet and team up."

Polaris: "Well, come on. My other options were Iceman and Random."

Iceman: "Oh, you're too good for the Iceman, is that it?"

Nurse Annie: "Hey, wait. That's not every crossover. You missed a few."

Havok: "That's because even they don't know the full truth! They can't handle the truth of what I was doing during...."



Stryfe: "Havok has been evil for a long, long time..."

Genesis: "Now it's time for him to pass the torch."

Stryfe: "He has fought with Storm and Cyclops..."

Genesis: "He has defected to Genosha."

Stryfe: "It's time to pass the torch!"

Genesis: "You're too old for evil!"

Stryfe Genesis: "No more evil for you!"

X-Factor Havok: "Hey hey, Havok's still got it! I can still be evil!"

Stryfe: "Prove you've still got it."

X-Factor Havok: "Give me some of your Legacy Virus. I'll start spreading it on Earth."

Genesis: "Spread it to who?"

X-Factor Havok: "My team-mate Madrox? Colossus' little sister?"

Stryfe: "Damn, that's nasty."

Genesis: "Yeah, I guess he does still have what it takes."


Colossus: "Colossus no liking Havok."

Cyclops: "That...was all your fault?"

Havok: "Damn straight. And remember Illyana's funeral?"

Cyclops: "Oh. Yeah."



Nightcrawler: "We are gathered here today to..."

Cyclops: "Ow! Dammit, Alex, stop punching me!"

X-Factor Havok: "I can't help it!"

Cyclops: "Don't even try to pretend you're under the Shadow King's control again, I'm not falling for that twice."

X-Factor Havok: "It's....uh....Magneto! He's....uh....manipulating the iron in my blood to force me to keep punching you!"

Cyclops: "Don't be an idiot, Magneto's not even here."

X-Factor Havok: "....dude? Look up."

Magneto: "X-Men! Welcome to die!"

Cyclops: "Wow, what're the chances?"

X-Factor Havok: "Yeah, couldn't have worked better if I'd planned it."


Cyclops: "You're not just evil, you're a real jerk."

Havok: "Isn't that all part of the fun?"

Cyclops: "And these days, you've been throwing yourself into any crossover you can find!"

Havok: "It's the evil thing to do!"



Carrion,Doppleganger,Shriek,Carnage,Demogoblin,and Havok!

Carnage: "Paint the town dead, everyone!"

Havok: I'll kill you, Cyclops innocent civilians! Rrraaagh! Now I'm a serial killer!"

Carnage: "We should make these team ups a regular thing."

Havok: "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

*Carnage rips Sentry into various bloody bits*: "Like that means a thing when you = sales like I do."



Nick Fury: "Begin Secret War Journal Entry 2.1..."

Beyonder: "I am from Beyond!"

Doctor Doom: "Now you face Doom!"

Nick Fury: "Doom? Beyonder? I'm getting too old for this @~*$%"

Havok: "Ha! I'll kill you, Cyclops Fury!"

Doctor Doom: "...and make the Earth a living tomb!"

Havok: "That didn't even rhyme."

Doctor Doom: "Doom does not care."

Havok: "And you call yourself evil? You can't even rhyme right! I'll kill you, Cyclops Doom!"



Havok: "The Infinity Gems belong to Evil-Havok! I'll kill you, Cyclops the entire freakin' universe!"

Adam Warlock: "I guess it's up to us to stop him."

Thanos: "Indeed. As usual, while Earth's heroes team up to do nothing, we do it all."

Havok: "...in bed."

Thanos: "......Adam! You said you'd never tell!"



Havok: I'll kill you, Cyclops freedom and democracy!"

A Very Bad Man: "Thumbs up for Evil!"



Carrion,Doppleganger,Shriek,Carnage,Demogoblin,and Havok!


Carnage: "OK, seriously....what the H*ll?"

Havok: "I'll kill you, Cyclops little pig!"

Spider-Ham-Venom: "But I want to join you!"

Carnage: "........"

Havok: "....I still want to kill him."

Carnage: "Tell the truth. You just want to eat all that symbiote-bacon."


Cyclops: "......my God, Evil-Havok must be stopped!"

Havok: "You'll never catch me!"

Polaris: "He's plasma-blasted a hole in the space/time continuum!"

Cyclops: "And escaped into an alternate reality!"

----to be continued----


Cyclops: "........I don't get it."

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