G:DR’s Micro Adventures!
Putting The 'Fun' Into 'Funeral! It's A Micro Adventure!
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Or maybe we should call it "Three Funerals and a Resurrection"? But here's the second in a series of when-I-have-time-and/or-inspiration Micro Adventures.


Space Year 2001:

Nightcrawler: "We gather here today to mourn and remember three of our dead. Firstly, Nate Grey, the X-Man, our Mutant Shaman."

Jean Grey: "Scott, our son-from-an-alternate-reality, he's dead!"

Cyclops: "My son, my only son!"

Cable: "I'm standing right here, dammit!"

Cyclops: "We stopped counting you because you're older than me. It's just weird."

Jean Grey: And as sad as it is, Nate's death proves that any one of us could die at any time."

Cyclops: "Jean, if anything ever happens to me, promise me you'll leave the X-Men and become a nun. You know I'd do the same for you."

Jean Grey: "You'd become a nun for me?"

Cable: "......."

Nightcrawler: "Would any of you like to say anything about poor dead Nate?"

Cable: "No, but I've got something to say about my clone, Stryfe, who also recently died."

Nightcrawler: "Go ahead."

Cable: "Stryfe. He was an evil *@#&^. And then he died. The end."

Cyclops: "Nathan! That's no way to talk about your clone!"

Cable: "Ah, it's not like he won't come back. He always does."

Stryfe: "I'm standing right here, dammit!"

Nightcrawler: "And now, we remember Psylocke, also recently taken from us."

Archangel: *cries*

Nightcrawler: "And take it from someone who only looks like a demon, the way we'll all remember Psylocke is as a demon in the sack."

Wolverine: "Best there was at what she did, bub."

Havok: "You knows it!"

Storm: "By the Goddess, yes!"

Archangel: "......."

Longshot: "With Psylocke, I didn't need my power to get lucky."

Gambit: "Gambit, he have to agree."

Rogue: "Gambit!?!?"

Gambit: "It...happen before Gambit, he ever meet you, I gar-on-tee."

Bishop: "I'm a cop!"

Archangel: "......."

Beast: "In words of one syllable, she was the best."

Xavier: "I have to agree."

Cyclops Jean Grey: "Professor?!?!"

Xavier: "I don't have to justify myself to you."

Cyclops: "See what you made me miss, Jean?"

Xorn: "And you're the only one here who did."

Jean Grey: "Weren't you in jail until after she died?"

Xorn: "I got visitors."

Archangel: "......."

Wolverine: "So we're all agreed on Betsy's 'special talents'?"

Mimic: "Oh yeah!"

Archangel: "So....you guys...all heard about that, then?"

Nightcrawler: "And now, we remember Colossus. Our old foe, Sinister, has offered to clone him, if we all contribute some of the necessary money."

Iceman "Who?"

Nightcrawler: "Colossus."

Xavier: "Colosso? The original team's training robot?"

Nightcrawler: "No, one of your X-Men, who recently died?"

Wolverine: "We just talked about Psylocke and X-Man, bub."

Nightcrawler: "Colossus! Shadowcat's first love!"

Shadowcat: "Pete Wisdom died? Again? Already?"

Nightcrawler: "Come on, people! Colossus! Guy who turned into metal?"

Cyclops: "Metals? Magneto? He never stays dead!"

Magneto: "Believe it!"

Nightcrawler: "Big Russian guy?"

Wolverine: "....Russian guy? Metal? .....Omega Red? Omega Red died, and you're having a funeral for him? Are you nuts?"

Nightcrawler: "Oh, screw you guys, I'm going home!"

Skrullverine: "No! Screw you! You remember these bums, but all I got was an alien autopsy!"


Sinister. Mr Sinister: "So, did you get the money?"

Nightcrawler: "No, they're not interested. I'll pay on my own, but it'll take some time."

Sinister. Mr Sinister: "Very well. But you get nothing until I am fully paid."

Nightcrawler: "I think that'll be about...three years from now. And how do we explain his return to everyone? If we admit he's a clone, they'll just consider him expendable. Cannon-fodder. We always treat clones like some sub-human race."

Sinister. Mr Sinister: "It should be simplicity itself to convince your fellow X-Men that my clone is the genuine article, despite his cremation."

Nightcrawler: "And how will we manage that?"

Sinister. Mr Sinister: "Oh...uh...aliens. We'll just say aliens did it."

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